Fill a Bottle & Empower a Life
Here at Alternatives, we offer medical and educational services that provide a biblically guided approach to pregnancy, parenting, and sexual health. We want to invite you to join us in this great cause!
Join us for our annual Baby Bottle Drive from Mother’s Day – Father’s Day! This fun event will take place both online and in person. You can participate either by yourself, online, or in person with your church.
To participate with your church or small group, follow these 5 simple steps:
- Contact Judy at to arrange pick up of your bottles.
- Pick up baby bottles from Alternatives before Mother’s Day and distribute the baby bottles to your congregation on 5/11. Your church can fill up the bottles with cash, coins, and checks. This is a great way to get the kiddos involved!
- Remind your congregation on 6/8 to bring back the bottles the following week.
- Receive the filled up bottles from your congregation on 6/15.
- Bring back the filled up bottles to Alternatives on 6/16.
If you would like to fill up a bottle online, click here! If you would like to give monthly, click here.
We thank you for your support. Because of you, we are one step closer to seeing a transformed community where abortion is unwanted.