Planned Giving

When you give to Alternatives, you’re making a meaningful investment in the community. There are several ways you can leave a lasting legacy. We invite you to explore your options and have suggested some below. We are committed to faithfully stewarding the resources God has entrusted to this organization through your planned gift. Contact Hannah Oliver at or call 760-741-9797 with any questions or to set up a time to meet with her.

What to give? Gifts of cash, securities and property.  Many of these options provide the tax and income benefits that meet your goals.

ALTERNATIVES LEGACIES: Have you thought about charitable gift planning and leaving a legacy to Alternatives? We are passionate about making a generational impact on our community and legacy giving allows you to partner with us in that effort.

IRA ROLLOVER CONTRIBUTION: The IRA Charitable Rollover is now permanent! An IRA rollover gift is a way for you to give to Alternatives without impacting your checking or savings account balance.  Contact your IRA plan administrator for more information on how to make a rollover gift today.

Abortion procedure/direct referral not provided.
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