Become a Life Champion!

Alternatives’ Life Champions Monthly Giving Program is for anyone who gives monthly to the ministry. As a Life Champion, your monthly gift of any amount will provide the means to build a transformed community where abortion is unwanted through Alternatives’ life-affirming medical and resource services.

As a Life Champion you will receive:

  • Welcome Packet and Gift
  • Access to Alternatives’ private Facebook group with behind-the-scenes content
  • Impact Report
  • Invitations to Life Champions Events
  • Alternatives’ E-Newsletter

Become a Life Champion by creating a monthly giving pledge. You can create a pledge and donate online by clicking here or mail a monthly check made out to Alternatives Medical Clinic with “Life Champion” in the memo. (257 E. 2nd Ave Escondido, CA 92025).

If you are currently giving monthly, you are already a Life Champion! Keep an eye out for your Life Champion Welcome Packet in your mailbox. Thank you for considering this opportunity to transform the community through giving to Alternatives.

Abortion procedure/direct referral not provided.
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